Wills, Powers of Attorney & Appointment of Enduring Guardian
Our priority is your peace of mind when you're drafting a will, and it's never too early to start. We help you create a will that ensures your wishes will be carried out as intended. We take into account the intricacies of your personal and family situation, identifying all crucial legal matters for your consideration. Additionally, we support you with any litigation related to wills and estate administration, family provision issues, and also assist executors in managing probate procedures and estate asset distribution.
Enduring Power of Attorney and Guardianship
You may not realise the significance of appointing an Enduring Power of Attorney or Guardian. We're here to shed light on this critical decision, enabling you to make informed choices about your future health and financial well-being. This guidance will also clear the path for difficult healthcare and family decisions, providing certainty for your future. Especially when it involves decisions about the future care of loved ones, we're here to navigate these challenging conversations. Furthermore, we specialise in providing advice to families with disabilities, considering all possible scenarios and family situations.
Helpful Links
Guide to Probate - Article by Cooper Smith
Family Provision Claims Article by Cooper Smith