Employment and Workplace Law
The employer / employee relationship is one of the most complex and important relationships that a business or person has to manage.
Knowing your rights as an employer or employee and obtaining early legal advice is essential for the successful resolution of disputes about complex and sensitive workplace issues such as termination, resignation and disciplinary procedures.
It’s important that before entering a contract of employment or bringing a contract of employment to an end, you consult with our expert lawyers to obtain professional advice and representation to ensure that you are afforded every contractual protection in the workplace.
Contact our expert Lawyers Wayne Dever and Kaleob Vickers McKeon to:
Obtain early advice about your rights and entitlements at law
Review and provide advice on contracts of employment and Enterprise Agreements
Obtain advice on industrial relations and human resources
Resolve employment disputes and obtain representation in the Fair Work Commission
Review and advise upon contracts of employment
Read article - NSW Industrial Relations Minister visits Newcastle
Read article - The Sunsetting of ‘Zombie Agreements’: A Guide for Employers